A guided self-hypnosis + energetics audio bringing you into alignment with the amplifying frequency of abundance.


Align yourself with the energetic frequency of abundance and discover its signature in six areas of your life through this guided self-hypnosis audio. Enabling yourself to align with abundance allows you to co-create and manifest more of it in your life. You’ll begin to recognize where you’re living out of alignment with abundance, and empower yourself to make changes to come into alignment with it. 

Pro Tip! 

Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.
Commit to doing daily sessions of this audio until you feel the support of it manifesting in your daily life. You’re re-wiring your mind when you do this work. Your subconscious mind uses the repeated information from this audio to form new beliefs. You’re also aligning with the energy of abundance throughout the audio and sending that signal out into the world allowing abundance to find you. Repetition is vital to this work.

Hi, I'm Heidi!

I spent decades trying to heal my inner child and free myself of the limiting patterns and beliefs I held about my worth, capabilities, and what I was or wasn’t allowed to have, be, or do. The most important part of my personal healing happened through hypnosis and understanding my Human Design. As a certified hypnotist, healer, and Human Design guide I know what stands between where you are now and living the life you want to be living. When you heal the part of you that’s still deep in the old stories - you have the ability to change everything.

I became a Certified Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, a Certified Master Hypnotist in 5-PATH®, a 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teacher, a trained Human Design Reader, and a Reiki level 1 & 2 practitioner. These are the transformative tools I use to help you do the most important work you'll ever do - find your way back to your original self so that you may intentionally and authentically live.

I’m here for you.

With love,
